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You can now celebrate the best of Norn Iron slang with these excellent t-shirts

Catch yourself on, would ye!

THOSE OF US in the Republic of Ireland are well-represented when it comes to novelty t-shirts, but what if you’re looking for something a bit more specific to the North?

norn rish tees Source: Norn Iron Tees

Norn Iron Tees, a Lisburn-based business, is answering that call – they’re doing a great line clothing, mugs, onesies, and aprons featuring the best of Nordie slang.

There’s this standard greeting

by001 Source: Lilmstees

This touching term of endearment

baw001 Source: Lilmstees

And this one

ballix001 Source: Lilmstees

Some words of advice

cyo01 Source: Lilmstees

There’s a Liam Neeson reference

laim001 Source: Lilmstees

“OK, that’ll do.”

And a nod to The Fall, because of course

bywg001 Source: Lilmstees

Who wouldn’t want Jamie Dornan saying ‘Bout ye wee girl’ splashed across their chest?

T-shirts are all around £17.99/€21. Perfect for the Nordie bawbag in your life.

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